About your therapist

Meet Lucy McDonald - your local Sports Massage and Soft Tissue Therapist.

Lucy has always had a sporting focus in her life and has a background in the elite sporting world, having represented England in Touch Rugby 2014-2019 as well as being a keen runner and triathlete. She is also a qualified Pilates and Fitness Instructor as well as holding a Sports First Aid qualification.

She started retraining as a sports therapist in 2019 after a successful corporate career; after which she was seeking a change of pace in life and new profession whereby she could help people and companies achieve their wellbeing goals. So once qualified she set up her studio at home in Winnersh where she offers a full spectrum of sports therapy techniques to benefit her clients.

She has a huge passion for helping her clients to reduce their pain and to learn about their bodies so they have tools to help them stay pain free in the future. She enjoys working with clients from all walks of life not solely athletes. She loves to work to support her clients to recover from injury by helping restore normal movement patterns through a variety of soft tissue techniques and functional exercises.

As well as supporting injury recovery Lucy can support you with identifying muscle or postural imbalances that might be contributing to your discomfort. She can work with you to release tight muscles and strengthen weak or inhibited muscles to help find greater balance that can help your sporting performance or live your life pain free.